One of the major draw backs of the Talon frame is the Landing gear/ motor mount combination. Angled landings or light bumps cause the mount to shift its position, Even with very tight screws they still seemed to move. This meant trimming every time I took off. This was pretty annoying so I looked for a wat to modify the mount.

Iordered 4x12mm motor mount off Ebay, there are sereval options available, both in Carbon, plastic and Alu. I opted for this as my other Alu mounts have coped quite well and withstand quite a lot of bad treatment. Link to the referred mounts.
The price was quite steep compared to CNC-Soloutions where i bought my other mounts $7.80 a piece, the plastic mounts are cheaper than these but i would reckon these would hold up longer.

On the opposite side the middle hole is used to prevent the mount from moving, you need to drill a 3mm hole. I opted not to drill a hole yet, will first see how it behaves before drilling the frame.

Well ready to mount, your motor and hopefully you have a bit more stability.
Hi, i have a very similar setup:
SvarSletDo you think is possible to mount the sunnysky with the default mount? i already ordered the red ones shown in this article. Thank you.
I actually don' t recall what the standard mount looks like, but i think that the sunnysky motors would fit without a problem on the standard mounts.